
Gitlab on Kubernetes + AWS

Update March 2017: EFS now supports a single mount point for a volume, so the setup is now much easier because you don’t have to differentiate between AZs. Take that into account while following this blog post. Introduction In the last post we saw how to create a production-ready Kubernetes (K8s) cluster on AWS with Kops. Now, let’s see how to use it in conjunction with AWS managed services to host a highly available application: Gitlab.

Kubernetes on AWS - Kops

Introduction Kubernetes is the leading container orchestration solution. It promises to standardize the way you run applications, without worrying if you are running on bare-metal, on a public cloud provider or on a private cloud. AWS being the leading public cloud solution, it is important to be able to run Kubernetes easily on this provider. In this post, I will show you how to create a production-ready Kubernetes cluster on AWS from scratch.